Minister of National Development Planning: The Role of Religion and College Mosques in Achieving Indonesia Emas 2045
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    Minister of National Development Planning: The Role of Religion and College Mosques in Achieving Indonesia Emas 2045

    Senin, 08 Maret 2021, Maret 08, 2021 WIB Last Updated 2021-03-08T22:51:36Z
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    Suharso Monoarfa

    Jakarta,, -The Minister of National Development Planning / Head of Bappenas was the speaker in a webinar with the Indonesian Campus Mosque Association, on Sunday, March 7, 2021. The event carried the theme “National Development Agenda: Problems and Challenges in Realizing a Golden Indonesia 2045.

    At the beginning of his presentation, the Minister explained the 5 urgencies of religion in development. First, religion as a spiritual and moral foundation to build a civilized society and nation. Second, religion is a source of values, a basis for ethics and morality to guide the nation in building a life order that is peaceful, just, and maslahat.

    Third, religion is a source of inspiration in building social harmony in a pluralistic society and strengthening national integration. Fourth, religion is the driving force and the driving force for realizing development programs for the welfare of society. Fifth, religion and religious leaders play a central role in implementing the development agenda to create a dignified nation.

    Furthermore, the Minister continued his presentation regarding the role of campus mosques in realizing a golden Indonesia in 2045. First, campus mosques as character builders.

    "The college mosque plays a role not only as a place of worship, but also as a nursery for education and character building for students, as well as a medium for strengthening the spirit of nationalism and love for the country based on religious teachings," said the Minister.

    Second, the Minister explained the role of campus mosques and Muslim intellectual nurseries.

    "I think the college mosque and Muslim intellectual nursery are important, I was also at the campus mosque in Salman, we learned a lot about da'wah bil hal, and I think it is something that must be carried out continuously and consistently, and should even provide a refresher on religious understanding. which is better, because it is based on campus, where the knowledge is very close, "said the Minister.

    The minister also highlighted the role of college mosques in developing religious moderation.

    "To spread religious hospitality to society in such a way, Islam which is rahmatan lil alamin to society in such a way, I think the most important role for campus mosques," he said.

    Closing his presentation, the minister also conveyed religion as a deterrent to the negative effects of globalization.

    "This can also prevent the negative effects of globalization, so we can overcome technological disruptions, because it is a normal thing, technological progress is not something that continues to cause us to become puritans in religion at all. Instead, we are constantly challenged to understand this religion. intensely, "concluded the Minister.

    Sunday, 7 March 2021
    Public Communications Team


